All You Need To Know About Pharmacy Technician Certification Board (PTCB) Certification

The job role of a pharmacy technician primarily entails in-depth pharmaceutical knowledge, doling out prescription medication to pharmacists and other healthcare professionals, precisely counting, measuring and labeling medication and possessing administrative acumen. Continue reading “All You Need To Know About Pharmacy Technician Certification Board (PTCB) Certification”

The Benefits Of Learning Medical Billing and Coding At Home!

With modern advancements in technology, where multi-national businesses can be smoothly run via smartphone, there is no reason for online medical coding and billing learning to be left behind. Continue reading “The Benefits Of Learning Medical Billing and Coding At Home!”

Medical Coding Vs. Medical Billing: Which Career is for You?

Medial coders and billers enjoy roles and responsibilities of the highest significance in healthcare administration. Together, they ensure that doctors, nurses and other members of the medical staff are reimbursed properly for the services they perform. Continue reading “Medical Coding Vs. Medical Billing: Which Career is for You?”

Medical Coding Basics: 5 More Things You Need to Know

Previously, we were discussing five essential things we believed people should know before pursuing a career in medical coding. We looked at what the profession is, its 19th century roots, what the job actually requires professionals to do, the subtle difference between inpatient and outpatient coding, and why credentials are important in the industry. Continue reading “Medical Coding Basics: 5 More Things You Need to Know”

5 More Known Benefits of Seeking Education Online

Previously, we were investigating why more and more people are signing up for online courses rather than visiting conventional colleges. We discovered that people who sign up for these online classes boast better mental health, save a small fortune on commutes, have a more diverse social circle, are more disciplined, and have the flexibility to schedule their classes. Continue reading “5 More Known Benefits of Seeking Education Online”

Upping My Pay as a Medical Coder: Things to Try

Medical coders play a critical role in the modern healthcare reimbursement cycle. They transcribe patient visits into codes and forward them to medical billers, who then create claims and make sure doctors, nurses and other healthcare providers are properly reimbursed.

Continue reading “Upping My Pay as a Medical Coder: Things to Try”

In a Nutshell: Medical Coding Certifications

In recent years, the medical coding and billing industries have surged in popularity. And while public interest in these fields of study is at an all-time high, very few people know that only certified medical coders are in demand in the public and private healthcare sectors. Continue reading “In a Nutshell: Medical Coding Certifications”