A Few Tips and Tricks for Passing the Dreaded CPC Exam

Tricks for Passing the Dreaded CPC Exam

Are you preparing to sit for the CPC exam?

Well, good luck with your preparations. We hope you do well.

Wait a minute…

In fact, we want you to do well!

Because the more CPC certified professionals we have in our industry, the better.

And God forbid, if we ever visit a hospital for some treatment, we’ll know our claim is in goodhands.

So yeah, we want you to do well for our own sake… (*Wink*, *Wink*)

Passing the CPC exam is not easy.

Well, that’s something we all know. And that’s why we all dread it.

But why look at the obvious from the obvious perspective?

Why not think: I only need to get 105 of my answers correct and I’ll be holding that golden certificate in my hand?

Makes you feel a bit better?

Well, the tips we are going to share next on taking the CPC exam, will make you feel even more better. And also, more confident.

We really want you to do well!

Tip #1: Master your medical terminologies and anatomy

If you know your medical terminologies and anatomy well, you won’t have any problems understanding the questions. This will save you time and time is the only thing that you don’t have in the CPC exam. There are 150 questions to answer and you have 5 hours, 40 minutes only.

Tip #2: Highlight and tab your manuals

The CPC exam is an open book test. The key to passing the test is how fast you can look up codes. Having your manuals highlighted and tabbed beforehand (yes, it’s allowed) can save you a lot of time when you looking up for an answer.

Tip #3: Always start answering from the last question

Questions at the end of the paper are shorter and usually easier. So work backwards when answering the question paper.

Tip #4: Mark the difficult questions and move on

You have roughly 2 minutes 25 seconds to answer each question. If you are finding a question difficult, don’t waste your time on it. Mark it, and move to the next question. Get easier questions out of the way first. This will help you save your time and also help you relax.

Tip #5: Use the process of elimination to answer questions faster

Multiple choice questions (MCQs) are designed to confuse students by providing them with multiple options. But if you proceed smartly, these questions can be quite easy to answer. Experts advise using the process of elimination to answer a MCQ. This strategy focuses on getting the wrong answers out of the way first and then focusing on what’s left for the right answer. It’s a tried and tested strategy in the world of MCQs.

Tip #6: Practice, practice and practice

Last but not the least, practice, practice and practice. The more you practice for the exam, the more chances you have of performing better. Practice CPC mock papers and past papers.

And that’s all about it.

We wish you good luck for your exam!

For further reading: How Allied Prep Can Help You Excel in Your CPC Exam!

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